Denise Legacy / upcoming Deniise 2.0 / D-Talks Artificial Intelligence Content Editor is an Windows application that allows users to create content for Denise / Deniise 2.0 / D-Talks! using the AIML file format, which is one of the AI language layers that run the Denise / Deniise 2.0 / D-Talks! AI ChatBot feature.
Denise / Deniise 2.0 / D-Talks! Artificial Intelligence Engine uses several algorithms. One of these layers uses the AIML programming language, which can be edited with the this editor.
This editor is also a tool for translating and localizing AIML categories to other languages or creating user-oriented knowledge bases related to a specific subject or topic.
If you are looking for a more advanced AI Editor that can also create content using ChatGPT, get the Content Editor Wizard and optionally, the Editable AI Content Pack.
Note: The Editor does not come with any content.